night we are start up to join new beta – if you want join us send me PM and
join an over 23.30 10 enuary.
The target of our alliance is take under control more gamma
systems possible.
(-45/-78) [email protected]
languages: russian,spanish,english
Magec (-39/-71) GER
FiX (-44/-72) SUI
Verbaluzi (-51/-73) GBT
Crackers (-47/-75) FRA
Tleilaxus (-50/-78) FRA
Mhd1104 (-42/-81) USA
Kumpel (-40/-75) GER
Petiteelfe (-42/-81) FRA
Gupp (-51/-70) FIN
AntoidEmpire (-45/-78) USA
Mordakai (-51/-73) SPA
TheSeekers (-48/-73) AUS
Members - if you have more NAPs post me for public it.
Visitors – if any want NAP with our Alliance post me.
Hlook FRA (-37/-81) Actually have 6/12 planets: Gamma Sheratan (-37/-81) – 7th-11th without assign: 12th reserved for Sperrow.
War resume: Peace negociation, waiting more participants.
Willkin have honor war, our status stopped, waiting to respond.
If any member have unofficial war please post me actual situation.
any member want include other new member post me.( let me his actual level)
Alliance Capital Gamma
Gallina 11th Gamma Sistems under control (of)Gamma Gallina (Sperrow, AntoidEmpire) Gamma Vespertilio (Sp , AE)
Gamma Eldsib (Crackers,) Lkzorg Gamma Marfak (Per) (Cr,Vl) Lkzorg , Khinto Gamma Deneb Algedi (Lkzorg,tleilaxus) Gamma Nair al Zaurak (tleilaxus,ditschter) Gamma Haedus (mhd1104,petiteelfe) Gamma Toliman (pe,Sp,mhd) 5th&11th Makenshi Gamma Kitalpha (Kumpel) Gamma Mirza (CMa) (FiX,Ku,Cr) Gamma Alshat (magec) Gamma Harp Star (verbaluzi,ts) Mordakai ,Tezha Gamma Elkhiffa Australis (vl,gu,ts)te Gamma Toliman (Sp,pe,mhd)
makenshi |
Bourder Sistems frontier (with)Gamma Coxa (NEMO) Gamma
Mekab (DBF) under control of
Gamma Muscida (HND) under comtrol of FiX/Elektro Gamma Adhara (HND) under control of FiX&Magec/Elektro Gamma Sulaphat (HND) under control of Elektro&Khinto/verbaluzi |
Other SistemsBeta Alkes (Vl, Gupp) Tz,Kh |
de última revisión: 14. 12. 04 (4.20)
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